Saturday, June 6, 2009

My 30th Re-Do Birthday Party

Yeah I am 30! I hate it but life will go on! Well I had to work the night before my Birthday and the night of so I really didn't get a chance to celebrate. I had bought me a few shirts and Ryan had gotten me some new mixing bowls and Nice Wooden spoons and spatulas so it was nice but working was a drag. Well Mom and Dad decided they would come up Today (Saturday) and celebrate as Ethan put it, "A Re-do Birthday Party". Mom and Dad got here and it was raining but we decided to BBQ hamburgers despite the rain. Afterwards I opened presents from Mom and Dad, Dad's present you will see below Mom got me a Spatula and Measuring Cups and another kitchen gadget. (FYI I needed new kitchen stuff) well after that Mom told me she and Dad wanted to take me to pick out flowers for one of my flower beds (Thats what I had wanted really bad) I was so excited cause I thought maybe I hadn't dropped enough hints! We went and bought my flowers at Freddy's I am so excited for nice weather so I can plant them. Thanks Mom and Dad you are the best. I loved hanging out with them I only wish they wouldn't have had to go! Thanks for being such awesome Parents and being such great Incredible Grandparents!

After Ryans Accident I vowed I would make sure we had more Family Pictures together.

Grandpa with his Addy

Grandma with Missy Moo


Willis Family said...

Happy Birthday! It looks like you had a good birthday! We should take more family pictures, too! I need to call you for our pictures some time this summer! I will look forward to it!

Danielle said...

Happy very late birthday! I am so sorry to hear about the accident!! Glad that Ryan is doing so well. Oh and by the way it looks like we have the same recliner! We love it!