Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Our Latest Project!

So I have been in a crafty mood...Been doing stuff here and there and I ran across this picture on a blog that I look at I thought it helped me to announce my latest project. Although this project was a bit unplanned and it took me a while to accept the fact that this project wasn't going to be easy and there was no backing out of it once it had started. After tears for a few weeks I went to the doctor and the little one is big enough you could see it waving at us. How could I have ever cried about such a thing I don't know. The Lord has a way of making his presence known! I know this will be a blessing to our family. I thank the Lord everyday for my children and husband in which I love so much, they are my world and I now cannot wait to have this one in my arms and turning my life upside down and I will love every minuet of it!
Ethan and Addyson are very excited, my first thought is what have we done to them, they are such good friends and siblings what will a third do? But after telling them I am convinced they need another one. Addy wants a girl of course and E-Man wants a boy we have told them Heavenly Father gets to decide that we have and we have nothing to do with it and they seem to accept that we will see when we find out in October.
I will be having this baby sometime in Feburary around the 15th. I might actually convince me to like the month of Feburary.


Willis Family said...

Yeaaaaay!!!! I am so happy for you!!! Congrats!!!

Ryan and Sarah's Family said...

COngradulations Lennie! JT was our little suprise and it was one of the best surprises ever after we got over the shock! Good Luck. I hope you are feeling well.

Marlene said...

Congratulations! What wonderful news. What a lucky baby to get to join your family! That will be one well loved, looked after baby!

romriell_clan said...

You're gonna have to add a 4th you know!!

Amy said...

Hey Lennie! It's your cousin Amy (Ben and Edna's granddaughter).


That's exciting! I've got one of my own "crafty" surprises due to be completed in November. It took a little while to wrap my mind around having another one. We're having a boy, so my daughter is already planning on me having her a sister after her brother is born. Oye!

Mom24boys said...

Great idea Lennie! Remind me to talk baby supplies and clothes with you.....

Danielle said...

Congratulations! How exciting! I have to tell you I wasn't very excited for Elise to come either (at least in the beginning). Babies have a way of really disrupting (of course in a good way). Sometimes it is hard to get use to that fact.

I hope you are feeling well!