Monday, November 2, 2009


It's Halloween!!!!!
We had a great time this Halloween. It was nice it was on a Saturday! So Addyson wanted to be a princess for halloween this year and I went to buy her a princess costume and I refused to pay $30 or more for a piece of crap dress so I took her to JoAnn's Fabric sat her down with a pattern book and said pick what princess you want to be and we will get you the stuff and I will sew it. Well after 1 1/2 hours looking at patterns she decided to be a Cheeleader. We had a lot of fun witht his outfit. It turned out great it actually looks like a real cheerleader. I had alot of fun making it too. I might just make more! She decided she wanted to be an Idaho Falls Tiger Cheerleader, gotta get that Tiger spirit in early.
Ethan wanted to be a skeleton. His costume was a lot cuter in my head. I made is too because it is really hard to buy a costume that will fit him. I just go some sweats and did the bones out of felt. It turned out pretty good. I painted the bones with glow in the dark paint also. He really got into scaring people. What a cute little Skeleton.
Well Halloween came and we decided it was worth the drive to Pocatello/Am. Falls to see the fam. We stopped and saw Aunt Meghann first, then went over to Fred Meyer and saw Aunt Cassie, then off to the Maravilla's. It was so nice Raquel and her Boyfriend took the kids Trick or Treating for us. I cannot tell you how nice that was. Ryan and I got to sit and visit for a while it was so wonderful. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family that we can sit around and visit for hours with and not realize a minuet even went by.
After the Maravilla's we headed out to see Mom and Dad. It was about 8:30 already late but we were all ready to party. The kids were so excited to show Grandpa and Grammy their costumes. Dennis and Alicia were out there waiting also and Uncle Mac came out to say hello too. Mom had dinner for us and we stayed and played the longest game of hand and foot ever with Dennis and Alicia. We had such a great time again so thankful for wonderful family. We left and got home about 1:30 in the morning. We were so tired but it was so worth the fun that we had. Thanks everyone for spoiling the children rotten! They LOVE YOU ALL!

1 comment:

Marlene said...

Oh, Great job on the costumes! And your folks sure look good! Tell them hi for me!